Our Saturday started at 6:26 AM when we loaded three sleeping children into our packed car ready for a 3-day mini adventure. Our first stop: Hershey, PA. Who knew chocolate milk tastes better when you're at the real deal? Maybe it was the $3.25 per cup we paid, but seriously, all they did was squirt the chocolate straight into the cup, add the milk & stirred. Just like we do at home? I guess I was expecting some different and special technique, but nope even at the factory it's all in the wrist - stir baby stir!

{wishing this was real & NOT a piggy bank}
Although she could probably fill it with change. {Tidbit on Taylor: We can't go into ANY store without her coming out with between $.23 & .78 cents. (Eyes always on the ground scouring. Her gold mine is always under the counters, yeah, she's got technique - classy, I know.)

and if the coin collecting doesn't work out, she's also a comedian.

{We're so proud of our kids, next time we're goin' for three}

Chocolate factory tour...who could resist not reaching out and grabbing a handful? I didn't. Promise. Seriously, who would do such a thing?

We were inspired by the cute little kisses & had to wear them home.

At the factory we met up with my good friend Vanessa. We stayed with them at their house just outside Philly. They knew the way so we followed them to experience all things PA. First stop, Amish country in Lancaster County. My first time! Our first stop was Intercourse. That's Intercourse, PA. It's the name of the town, where Amish live. Sweet, innocent Amish people. Do you think they blush when they tell you where their from?
I thought this horse was having a really good hair day and deserved a shot at being famous...

Don't you love when you look over and your 2 1/2 year old is having a full on convo with a baby cow? Seriously, using his hands and everything.

This is one sweet ride. We just need some straw hats & um, not those clothes or hair color (who me?) or tans (not that there really are any) and I think by then we'd be nearly 30% Amish- looking.

We enjoyed a break sitting by a covered bridge on a beautiful pond eating Amish homemade pickles & rootbeer in the neighboring town of Paradise, PA. The names of these towns are great right? Don't mind my awesome pink flamingo plastic fork I brought from home. It adds just the right amount of exotic to the spread, don't you agree?

It was nice to get out stretch our legs & make the kids run laps.

Next morning, bright & early, my favorite....off to the big Apple.
First thing we saw was the WTC site. The twin towers would have been straight ahead on the other side of this traffic light. It was truly amazing to see this giant hole in the ground and take a little time to remember this tragic day. I was on the couch watching Barney with Taylor who was 16 months old and changed the channel just as the second tower was hit. We had just moved to NH from Utah the month before. I knew we were only hours from where this was happening - scary! I also remember feeling sick, but then again 6 days later I found out I was pregnant!

We had a lot to fit into one day & after a huge slice of NY size pizza we had to go to this:
Times Square Toys R Us. It's a must! As soon as you walk in, you're greeted with this sight: Giant Ferris Wheel in the middle of the store! I think I was just as excited as the kids. From the 2 story real barbie house & the life size roaring T-rex, it was absolutely A M A Z I N G! It would put Mr. Magorium to shame.

Earlier this year, I told Taylor that if she read all 6 books in one of the American Girl series I would buy her one. She finished all six JULIE books a few months back so she was completely ecstatic when we turned the corner and saw the store. Here she is reading about and picking the one that looks most like her.

HEROES fans - Remember this? September 24th - three words...THREE HOUR PREMIERE!!! Wahoo.

We were ever so lucky to accidently run into Dylan's Candy Bar. I had it on my list of things to see, but we were running out of time and didn't think we would get the chance. We rounded the corner and there it was shining in all it's cavity-inducing, sugar-craving power. NYC is all about everything bigger & shinier than you've ever seen before & this was no exception!
It's a modern sized Willy Wonka version of your old fashioned candy store.
It's three floors of pure CANDY!!

Even the stairs are cute.

We filled up our Dylan candy houses (plastic containers to put your candy in) with a variety of yummy treats, it was as fun for me as it was for them.

Next day, off to Philadelphia! Home of inspiring scenes from the movie "Rocky", Brotherly Love & steak sandwiches smothered in cheese whiz. A little of all three I am convinced makes the heart full and the world go round.
These four people below do the same for me...

We made it home late Monday night. And thanks to my hubby* & and a wonderful three hour nap this afternoon, I'm ready for the week to begin!
*made dinner, deep cleaned our 15 hour riden in disaster of a car, caught frogs with the kids. MMMMWAH! Thanks hon!
SOOOOOOOOO FUN!!! I want to go and visit too!!! You did a great job journaling all of that...I felt like I was there! Thanks...I needed a little vacation--he he! I wish some day we will live by each other...I'd love to go on adventures with you!
It was SUCH a great time! Your pictures were DARLING (as usual)! I'm so glad you came - come again in the next 4 days!!
Ok. We seriously need to coordinate our vacations and go together. I loved every minute of your adventure. The pics are SO great. La and K are oooing over AG store, which one did Tay choose?
I need details...I'll call!
Oh my gosh! What a trip! I can't believe everything you crammed into three days. I told Wayne that maybe we could take the kids to NYC. It was an absolute no-no before reading this, but there are things the kids could do too.
We had to laugh out loud at Intercourse, PA. HHHHMMMM, what were they thinking?
I am ready. I think all of us should pack our bags and come on your next road trip! Sounds like such a great time! Yay for Bryan and doing the gritty work!
NY is so fun isnt it? Whoever thought ToysRus would be so amazing? I freaked out when I went there, and I dont even have any kids. Glad you guys are having fun!
Holy Cow!! What a great trip! We had such a great time in Hershey as well! We actually did that exact vacation and had such a blast! I'm so glad you had such a great time and that you convinced Bryan to go!! :)
We are HUGE AG fans and can't wait to get to a store. We have a ton of AG stuff already!
We are planning a trip to NY in the spring!
Seriously!! Such a fun time for you guys. I'm seriously telling Rob we need to go back East on our next vacation!!
What a fun family trip. We spent some time in Intercourse and Bird in Hand.
that trip looks awesome! I love the city - shots :)
K, and I'm jealous of the Amish town... I've always wanted to go to one (Intercourse??????!!!?)
Looks like you did a great tour of the East coast! I love all those cities.
What a fun trip!! I kept turning to Dave while reading this and saying "we need to do this!!" with each place. It looks like you guys had a fantastic time, and as always, I loved all the pictures. What a talented gal you are.
What a fun trip. You guys are always out and about. I love the pictures. So cute.
wow that is the trip of the summer! can't imagine how much fun! glad you were able to get away ... sweet pics as usual.
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