He will have lots of fun.
Having fun reminds him that good aunties are amazing.
This makes him want to come back!
{July 2nd! Can't wait!}
If your child ever needs to send a Flat Stanley to someone, might I suggest you send it to the bestest flat host I've ever come in contact with.
He will be treated like the VIP he is + even star in his very own book!
This is why my sister rocks...
{Flat Stanley visiting the "DIXIE" rock for the very first time. Look at Stanley - so excited to be there!
I think it was quite a windy day}
He went to the movies...with a dear friend Mi'kel introduced (made) him to "flat monster"
{Ironman 2, even I have not been so lucky}
Plus, if you haven't figured out yet, it's charming + flows like the book If you Give a Mouse a Cookie.
And her handwriting...too bad they don't have a degree in Handwriting Specialist, PhD...she'd be all A's + famous.
To take that kind of time for a kid's school project?
To take that kind of time for a kid's school project?
That is just the kind of sister I have...she's a giver of the above + beyond type.
We love her!
And now if you'll excuse me, I must go feed Stanley his lunch.
Kel really is the best! And if this doesn't scream pregnancy hormones to you - it nearly made me cry.
Miss all of you and that flatening Brody idea......let me know if it works out - I've got an Ava I could flatten!!!
Very impressive! :)
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