
Thursday, June 3, 2010


If you send your Flat Stanley to Aunt Mi'kel.
He will have lots of fun.
Having fun reminds him that good aunties are amazing.
This makes him want to come back!

{July 2nd! Can't wait!}

If your child ever needs to send a Flat Stanley to someone, might I suggest you send it to the bestest flat host I've ever come in contact with.
He will be treated like the VIP he is + even star in his very own book!

This is why my sister rocks...

{Flat Stanley visiting the "DIXIE" rock for the very first time. Look at Stanley - so excited to be there!
I think it was quite a windy day}

He went to the movies...with a dear friend Mi'kel introduced (made) him to "flat monster"
{Ironman 2, even I have not been so lucky}

they went swimming...
I mean seriously, if only I could figure out how to flatten Brody.

Plus, if you haven't figured out yet, it's charming + flows like the book If you Give a Mouse a Cookie.
And her handwriting...too bad they don't have a degree in Handwriting Specialist, PhD...she'd be all A's + famous.
To take that kind of time for a kid's school project?
That is just the kind of sister I have...she's a giver of the above + beyond type.
We love her!
And now if you'll excuse me, I must go feed Stanley his lunch.


[BrookeO] said...

Kel really is the best! And if this doesn't scream pregnancy hormones to you - it nearly made me cry.

Miss all of you and that flatening Brody idea......let me know if it works out - I've got an Ava I could flatten!!!

Maegan said...

Very impressive! :)