
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baptism + Bells.

These are the bells...Maroon Bells to be exact.
They are in our backyard (sort of) or we'd like to think so anyway.
They are our favorite place to take + eat dinner.
We ate dinner here last night.
Chicken chili with cornbread + cherry crisp for dessert.
We had ourselves some visitors.
(more on that to come)

Connor was baptized today!
It was a beautiful, perfect day in so many ways.
more on that to come too!)

And yes, Tay has a black eye.


[BrookeO] said...

Keep checking back for more.....

Dani said...

Congratulations Connor!! So exciting! And by the way, I thought of you as I read a recent article that named Spokane as the 7th greatest American hometown, the 3rd healthiest city, and the #1 city for education in the US! Sounds like an excellent choice.