
Thursday, March 24, 2011

a month flew by.

I don't know where or how this month has flown by so fast! I didn't try to make it go that way, but it's still amazes me we're welcoming April in next week.

February (after my sister's stay with us) the kids + I traveled up to drop Easton off with that sister at BYU. I worried for a second and then remembered if Kel couldn't do it, really who could? She was amazing and I'l be forever grateful because I had a busy couple days ahead of me + lots of traveling. The three older kiddos and I went the next morning on a flight to Spokane. The kids did their "interviews" and testing for their new school + I did a little house hunting. I spent lunch with a very good friend (who's husband + mine are legendary friends since 7th grade) who I cannot wait to be living near! I also made a new friend who I adopted from my sister Brooke who we are already planning running dates + play dates with our kids who played like long lost buddies... We went to the movies with my wonderful sister-in-law Cheryl and dinner with Bryan's aunt and uncle. All of this in literally 48 hours before flying back into Salt Lake and then driving all the home to Aspen all in one day. It was exhausting, but I thought a successful trip + made me all the more excited to get up there + begin our newest adventure!

The week before last was hard. I had some stressful moments (and phone calls) with my renters in NY (I hate having renters!) and some issues that had my feathers quite ruffled. All better now + just looking forward to getting that place SOLD! Anyone know anyone moving to Rochester?! Then the next morning Bryan called + told me the most shocking news I could never been prepared to hear. My brother-in-law Emmett had been killed. I was instant tears + thinking like a mother of their cute 5 children + my sweet sis-in-law Ash. I didn't know the details, I knew we had to be there for the funeral. So in comes my visiting teacher + dear friend Angel (appropriately named!) who stepped in for Taylor, Connor + Brody + off we went on our 11 hour drive that worked perfectly to split it up both ways with a stay at my grandma's in Salt Lake. It was a beautiful service, after the viewing they closed the casket and Ash's brother blessed Ash + Emmett's youngest 9 week little baby boy. I'm so glad we got to be there. It was all so surreal and heartbreaking, but I felt like no matter what family does whatever it takes to be there for each other. My inlaws are moving to Spokane about a month or two after we are. My inlaws are the best anyone could ever have. I could not be more excited to live near them - planning on lots of Sunday dinners, hikes + four wheeling with grandpa!

{Easton hour 21 of the drive}
It was a long stressful trip, we didn't sleep much or well which for me always gives me a little break at the end, but not the kind I like and just like clockwork I spent this week sick (Easton too) hacking mucus + sporting golf ball size tonsils.
Plus Bryan + I have matching cold sores. Saaawweeet.


Lacey said...

So sorry to hear about your brother-in-law...that is awful! How terrible for your sister-in-law and their children. It's things like this happening that remind us how precious life is and how grateful we can be for the gospel.
So excited for you to live so close to family in Spokane....and you and Brooke will be not too far away from each other too! So fun!

Unknown said...

WHATTT! I didn't know that L.Jay and Teri were moving to Spokane again? Crazy. Hope things are going great for you guys. I am glad you got to go to the funeral. Wish someone would fill me in on the details of that day.

foreveryoung said...

Jaime. Call me! I lived in Spokane for a year, Dave's 1st year of law school at Gonzaga. Are you there short term or long term?


Maegan said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother in law... so sad. Sounds like your life is busy and crazy, I am sure you are doing a wonderful job with everything though, you truly are such an amazing gal!

Kristin said...

So sorry for your loss, but so excited for your move out here. WE are going to have a blast!

Jen said...

What a heart breaking story for your sister-in-law. What a crazy, busy month for you. Good luck with finding a place and preparing to move. But that is so exciting you get to look forward to this next step in your life.

Ericka and Wes said...

Hey YOu! Your kiddos are getting so big! You know how much you miss Rochester come on! Hey that head band your talking about is it the one I am wearing below in the butterfly picture? My friends makes them. I can ask her if she would make one for her for cheap?