Fireworks at Meridian Park
The kids LOVED the show. Especially Brody who yelled BAM! after every one...
(my interpretation of DANDELION fireworks - they're everywhere aren't they?!}

We enjoyed a BBQ with a whole bunch of great people from our ward and met a quite a few new people who are moving in! YAY! We had hot dogs, watermelon & potato salad. Can't get any more American than that!!! A few days earlier I drove by this giant flag painted on the side of an old white barn and I though PERFECT! I'm bringing the kids here on the 4th and taking pictures....after the BBQ, I dragged Haley along and we found the flag, but my eyes in driving past it the first time failed to see the GIANT pole right in front of the flag (UGH!) and so it didn't quite work out, but we did what we could and with 6 wiggly-jiggly kids we tried our best and then gave up on them shortly after. This is the best I got, but they're all looking at the camera AND smiling, what more can I ask for? And even though Connor at the last second [had to] show his [backwards] lego flag, it's quite fitting I guess.

{picture courtesy of Taylor}
Wow! That first picture is amazing!
Your 4th sounds much like ours. Good time was had by all.
I don't know how you do it, but you seem to get the most BEAUTIFUL shots of your children....and they are always looking, smiling, or doing something way cute! No fair...all I get is a tackle and head lock, and then someone ends up crying! What a great family you and Bryan have!
Wish we were there.
That one of the kids still turned out great in front of the barn.
Glad you had a good holiday! the kids are so cute and TAYLOR is a good photographer too .... wonder where she gets that from ;)?
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