Keep 'em busy & it makes for a wonderful summer day.
You've heard me say it before, but really, these two are the best of friends....

Not to say they don't have their spats...the annoying brother moments hit without warning. I'd be lying if I said it was all peachy - all the time. I think I'd be worried if it were. Taylor is never the least bit distraught and always takes it all in stride. A quick roll of the eyes should do it! She's the best big sister, seriously. So many times when she does things for her brothers I think, I wouldn't have done that for my brothers. She's so caring & giving. We're all so lucky to have this girl in our family!

Taylor's NOT a big fan of this picture (and I really hope she forgives me for posting it) but I thought it was so cute of the boys. After a quick trip to the gym this morning, we pulled out a blanket and had a picnic on the front lawn. Brody needs haircut? Um, yes.

Followed by races to the mailbox & back. Then we threw on our swim suits & headed for the pool and made a quick stop to get pomegranate & sour watermelon slushies - yum! Really wish I brought my camera to the pool (gotta draw the line somewhere) because I laughed the whole time as Brody was shooting the other two with his water gun right when they least expected it.

Bryan was home early (YAY!) and so for FHE we took a trip to Pittsford. It's a cute suburb or Rochester about 5 minutes away. I remember coming here when I was 16 with my family, who knew I would live here 14 years later?!
We had to have one of these...

Living in the east for seven years now, we've been lucky to live near and visit such well kept & charming main city streets in our day. Pittsford, NY is definitely one of them. Located directly on the Erie Canal. Even the town hall is cute. The dog groomers. The jewelry shop, LOVE the giant clock in front.

Had to walk down with our ice cream & feed the ducks the old hot dog buns I brought, we were quite popular.


Love Mondays. Love FHE. What have been your favorite FHE ideas/activities?
Um. Can I choose yours?!
I love it. Miss you.
Looks like you all had a great FHE! Where you live looks pretty and nice summer weather. We are dying out here with 107 degrees and 80% humidity! Can I come visit :)??!!
The kids still talk about "Chuck E. Cheese at Home" night. We ordered pizza and set up games to mimic the ones at CEC and had tickets and prizes. We even made a sign to put on our front door for when Chris came home from work!
Your kids are so cute. Taylor looks a lot like you. I love all the pictures of cute Main Street- makes me want to move, not a big fan of the desert.
I love that place!! I want to come back - too many places I didn't get to see!! Hope you are well! Did the package arrive yet?
I know you are swamped - I'm just dying to see how our family photos turned out! Did I give you an address to mail the CD to yet?! Keep in touch - call if you can! :)
that sure sounds like the perfect FHE ... great pics!
Oh Jaime. How would it be if the weather was always like this in the Northeast? Parks, pools, walks, runs, bikes, blades, sprinkler, ice cream and back to the pool. Love filling those summer days to the brim. Your pictures are all so good!!!!
Such a cute family!! And I LOVE Ben & Jerry's!! And such a cute town1 I want to move there!
Such a beautiful family! I miss Pittsford!
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