HAPPY New Year's Day 2012!
Before I can properly ring in the new year, I've got to take a moment to wrap things up and update the end of the old.
A few weeks a go we had a fun evening with Bryan's sisters (next to me left to right: Audra, Rachel, Grandma Meyers (Bryan's mom's mom) and Tay) Bryan's grandma lives here, but his sisters both were visiting from the east coast + we were so excited to see them - it's been a few years too many! Rachel is moving to Italy in just a couple of weeks so it was nice to see her + give her a hug before she leaves...but mark my words, we'll be coming for a visit! Italy is one of those places on my list :)

We met up with all my cousins and their kiddos for a party Sunday evening. It was so much fun and as always, can't go wrong with the bag game!
We had a great time running around Gateway Mall with my brothers, sisters, niece + nephew and mom. Also on our list was taking the kids (who had never been before!) to temple square! We've been living in New England for all of their lives... it was one of my favorite times together.

Being here reminds me how lucky we are to have the gospel in our lives.
Bryan's one of 12 kids so there's always a wedding or birth or something...I rushed back to Spokane to take bridal pics of #10 of the 12 to get married! Abbey + Alex. They are so cute. I know Alex will fit in great + I'm so happy for them :)

It's just soooo beautiful, everywhere you look.